Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Hi, and welcome to the initiation of intelligent thoughts! As this is my first blog I assume I should begin by introducing you to myself. My name is Inzey Cellie. I live in my own little world most of the time but for the remainder I live on a small rural farm in a formerly productive rural shoebox farming and industry community in North Carolina near the Virginia border.
I am one out of a family of five, with two younger siblings, one of each. My sister is a typical middle school child who enjoys most typical girlish activities such as shopping for clothing. (This, in my opinion is a time wasting act that was most likely sent from Satan to torture me ad infinitum.) My brother…., well lets just say he managed to get a guitar stuck in his pants today. Then there is me, I’m the strange one. At least that’s what everyone says.
If you would like to know more about me you can check out my profile.

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